NUFORC UFO Sighting 132487

Occurred: 2017-02-05 23:25 Local
Reported: 2017-02-06 12:49 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Athens, MI, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Animals reacted

Red/White triangle, and "helo" rotor sound,

Feb 6, 2017, 2325 EST. I started hearing what sounded like a single rotor helicopter just hovering, by the sound, maybe 200yds away, 100ft up. Over about 3 minutes the sound slowly increased, increasing in intensity, until my windows started rattling, as if a train was passing real close. The rotor sound was very loud, 85 – 95db, increasing in pitch. I looked out the window, there was a bright moon, everything looked normal, no odd shadows, nothing blocking the moon. The coyotes were yipping and howling.

In an instant, I saw 2 lines of light, one red, one white that formed the “sides” of a triangle, in that same instant, the light triangle appeared to move extremely fast in a straight line making a screeching sound, almost like a startled mouse would make, only much louder. The triangle appeared to be 30yrds away, possibly 15 – 20ft in size, about 40ft up.

The “rotor sound” was gone, windows stopped rattling. A split second later, the rotor sound came back 200yrds farther East as just a low, slow moving drone.

The triangle light was as clear a light as I’ve ever seen, appeared to be just below a solid object, that now blocked the moon light, The acceleration was nearly instantaneous.

The coyotes went silent.

3 hrs later there was a meteor that streaked the sky that was NOT anything like what I saw earlier.

Posted 2017-02-10

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