NUFORC UFO Sighting 132436
Occurred: 2017-02-01 22:15 LocalReported: 2017-02-02 21:20 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 0
Location: Fort Leonard Wood, MO, USA
Shape: Disk
driving north 15 miles north of fort leonard wood on I-44 north last night at exactly 10:15 pm. saw line of police cars spaced out about a mile with no traffic coming southbound. noticed more police cars with lights keeping traffic held back in the distance about another mile. a semi with flatbed was in the center. As the semi approached, i couldnt beleive that the semi was carrying what appeared to be a saucer shaped object. i passed within a hundred or so feet of the semi going in the opposite direction. the semi was moving at a moderate speed.. the area was somewhat illuminated and my 16 foot penske truck was elevated so i had a clear view. it was dull metallic grey, thick short legs coming from the center bottom like fence posts. thick central body and tapering to very thin edges. it encompassed the whole trailer. it was hanging over the edges. no cockpit or windows or markings, etc., wide central body. about 50 percent body and 50 percent winglike or sauce! r like edges. any other reports? large drone? Thanks
Dear Mr. ((name deleted))
Thank you very much for the nice report!
We have heard about that object before, and we believe that it is some kind
of space vehicle, used by the U. S. Air Force. If you go to the homepage of and scroll down to the posting of April 30, 2015, you can
see an illustration submitted by another professional driver, who saw
something quite similar to what you describe. Please let me know if it
matches the craft you witnessed.
Thanks, again!
Peter Davenport, Director
National UFO Reporting Center
Washington State
Thanks. The object was classic flying saucer shaped, at least from my view, which was mostly edge on. It wasn't as large as the illustration on April 2015. No wings, bumps etc. I am very familiar with military aircraft. Thanks.
Posted 2017-02-03
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