NUFORC UFO Sighting 132416
Occurred: 2017-02-01 19:40 LocalReported: 2017-02-01 20:32 Pacific
Duration: 40-60 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Azusa, CA, USA
Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Changed Colo
Object sighted coming in low from foothill area, morphed into 3 rotating ovals and went east and up.
Object came in low from foothill area to the north. It looked like a trash bag that had caught up in the wind. It seemed to float fast and was going east. Then it lost the white sort of glow and it seemed to dimly glow reddish. At this point but had changed shape into 3 spheres, ovals really, and they rotated horizontally around each other. It gained altitude quickly and got small very, very fast. It was headed east, but up. I couldn't track it because it got so far away it disappeared. Its approach was definitely slower than it moved away.
Other details: no wind. Sky was overcast a bit, moon is blurred. But whatever this was, was low enough for me to see quite well. It seemed to go above a pretty busy section, so I wouldn't be surprised if more people saw it. It was low and though size was hard to gauge, it looked decently big.
Before I submit this, I'd like to say the color initially seemed whiteish but transparent when it looked like a trash bag. It didn't move like one though. And when it turned into spheres, it happened almost instantly. I'm unsure about the color as the red glow I saw could have been a reflection of ambient light.
Posted 2017-02-03
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