NUFORC UFO Sighting 1324
Occurred: 1996-02-18 19:45 LocalReported: 1996-02-18 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 min.
Location: Gainesville, FL, USA
Shape: Diamond
The caller, his wife, and their 5-year old daughter, witness a bizarre, very large, diamond-shaped object hovering motionless in the sky in a rural area southeast of Gainesville. They first spotted the object to their left as they drove back to the city on 39th Avenue just before they reached Highway 26.
The object has "massive flood lights" on it, which "pointed down." The object passed within "1-2 football fields" of their position, although at one point, the caller reported that it "went across (them)."
The husband could see a peculiar "shadow" around (?) the object.
He reported that he had never seen a UFO before, although quickly qualified it to say that he thought he had seen one 10-11 years prior.
He added that his daughter, who had witnessed the entire episode, talked about UFO's and flying saucers all the way back to their home on the northwest side of Gainesville.
Posted 1999-11-02
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