NUFORC UFO Sighting 132248
Occurred: 2017-01-20 19:30 LocalReported: 2017-01-20 19:17 Pacific
Duration: ~1 minute
No of observers: 2
Location: DeLand, FL, USA
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby
Fire Ball in sky shuts off, then reignites.
My wife and I were exiting I-4 at the State Road 44 exit heading into Deland for dinner. As we were on the on ramp directly ahead of us above Volusia County Fair Grounds we observed a fireball.
As I was driving I was being careful to watch the road while we observed it. The object was orange like a camp fires flame. It appeared round in shape. I mentioned to my wife it may have been a Chinese lantern, but it moved too quick to be a lantern, yet too slow to be a meteor.
As we continued to watch it, it appeared to extinguish itself for a moment, but not completely. A few seconds after it 'extinguished' itself it reappeared as bright as it was when we initially spotted it. We lost sight of it as we merged with traffic on State Road 44- it was now behind us. We pulled over as soon as it was safe to see if we could get a better view but we could not find it again.
There was a light aircraft flying in the area, but no where near and at a different heading that of our mystery object.
Sighting of 2nd stage ignition of missile launch at 1942 hrs. (Eastern). PD
Posted 2017-01-26
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