NUFORC UFO Sighting 131926
Occurred: 2016-12-29 22:00 LocalReported: 2016-12-30 07:39 Pacific
Duration: 2 hours
No of observers: 4
Location: Hartselle, AL, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Animals reacted
Two triangular shaped crafts that blinked out.
Last night I took my dog outside around 10 pm. I live on the edge of the city near a heavily wooded area, so it’s usually pretty dark as we don’t have street lights. A few moments after stepping outside, I noticed there was a light blinking through the tree line at the very top towards the south. I thought it might have been an airplane or helicopter passing by. I disregarded it, really, until a few minutes later when the lights and object finally appeared over the trees. The best way I can describe it that the 3 lights on it formed a triangle. The lights pulsed very softly and would change between a bright white and blue every few seconds. The lights hovered there for around an hour until they started blinking more rapidly and the craft started moving in a wide circle around the trees. I would guess that it was making a ½ mile loop. I ended up taking my dog inside because he was so unsettled that he started to shake and at one point tried to slip out of his collar to get off the leash. I bring this up because he's a very well-mannered, calm dog and usually enjoys being outside.
A few minutes later, a second triangle shape approached from the north. The two triangles approached each other and hoovered very close to each other for just a few minutes before the first triangle completely blinked out. The second triangle then moved closer to the tree line (where the first one had sat after coming out from behind the trees). It stayed there for around 45 minutes, pulsing softly. Around midnight, the lights started glowing brighter and then all three lights seemed to move and meet until they formed one bright light that blinked out.
While I do believe in aliens and the like, I normally wouldn’t say anything, except that my neighbors also witnessed this and brought it up this morning as I was leaving for work. They said that their child had woken them up very disturbed by the lights and had cried until both sets had disappeared.
Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD
Posted 2016-12-30
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