NUFORC UFO Sighting 131920
Occurred: 2016-12-29 21:30 LocalReported: 2016-12-29 22:54 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Davenport, WA, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object
Around 21:30, Thursday, December 29, 2016, I think I spotted an unidentified flying object.
My sister, mother, and I were sitting in my living room when my mother pointed out something in the sky. My mother is not a firm believer in UFOS, but we gathered around the bay window.
The object was massive, about as big as a full moon. The object was a deep red, about as red as Santa’s suit. The object didn't seem to be moving, just sitting in one place. The UFO seemed to sit for about three minutes until it began moving. It seemed to be moving downwards, only a few feet until it disappeared. It didn't go behind any structure, it seemed like it just went invisible, disappearing out from the sky.
We went and got into our vehicle to go look for this light, but we didn't find anything.
That's when my father said that we should contact and document our sighting.
My sister did get a picture. The picture wasn't the best quality, but to me, it seemed like there were more UFOs than originally seen.
Posted 2016-12-30
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