NUFORC UFO Sighting 131909
Occurred: 1999-06-01 20:00 LocalReported: 2016-12-22 22:01 Pacific
Duration: 30-60 minutes
Location: Curaçao (Mexico), , Mexico
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Missing Time
I remembered seeing a hovering red light in the sky and calling my aunt who reluctantly came out in the backyard to look at this light. She stared at it with me for about 5-10 minutes and couldn't figure out what it was . She didn't seem too interested and went back inside. I stayed outside and stared at this light for over 30 minutes. I don't remember what happened afterwards, only waking up scared in my bed the following day. I asked my aunt if she saw the red light outside and she said she did and that she thought it was strange. We talked about it for several days. Till this day we still don't know what it was.
Posted 2016-12-30
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