NUFORC UFO Sighting 131906

Occurred: 2016-12-23 19:30 Local
Reported: 2016-12-23 17:28 Pacific
Duration: Seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Woodridge, IL, USA

Shape: Light

Bright orange light in sky. Got out cell phones to take pic & bright beam of light shot down from sky as I clicked pic IMG_0428.JPG.

((ADDENDUM FROM Mr. Gene Weed, photo analyst.))


Woodridge, Illinois, Friday, December 23rd, 2016, @ 19:30 hrs. (CST)

First Impressions
Photo did not include the source of light.
Why take just one photo?
Description does not match photo.

Sharp edges of white on tree indicate overlay;
Multiple white images on left of beam (opacity of second image layers not adjusted correctly);
Roof gable (peak) can be seen through beam (impossible) indicate opacity settings of ~ 60% of second layer;
Multiple blue colors on top and bottom of beam (not pure white);
No shadow from' Bright Beam', which normally accompanies such sightings;
Light Beam does not touch ground (impossible);
Background shadows under cars from 'dimmer garage light, is brighter than 'Beam' (impossible), and additionally, shadow angle does not match the beam object.
No shadows or illumination on any object in photo are stemming from this 'Bright Beam' can be detected. All light shadows are from house.
Using the camera exposure recorded ( see settings below) the 'Beam' would have saturated the entire photograph, or would have automatically adjusted the exposure settings.


Authentic photograph with apparent overlay characteristic; multiple points as described..



Gene Weed



We posted the photo provided by the witness, but with reservation, given the bizarre appearance of the "shaft of light." Subsequent analysis of the photo suggests that the photo is a montage, created by overlays. It appears to have been "PhotoShopped," and we are unable to reach the source of the photo via telephone. NUFORC apologizes for having posted the misleading data on December 31st, 2016. PD

Posted 2016-12-30

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