NUFORC UFO Sighting 131890
Occurred: 2016-12-24 17:45 LocalReported: 2016-12-24 18:32 Pacific
Duration: 40
No of observers: 3
Location: Olympia, WA, USA
Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby
Bright white light hoovering in the southeast sky near Olympia
Went out to get mail, saw very bright light in southeast sky. Grabbed the binoculars, took a peek. It was a very ornate sphere that was lite on the outside from the outside but I could not see a light source. It resembled, on the outside, one of those intricately carved stone balls that has a carved stone ball inside that and another carved stone ball inside that. It was white but occasionally a black stripe or band would appear as if it were rotating. However, when I was looking at it it did not seem to be rotating until the black band zipped through.
Guessing it was about 1500 feet up and I estimate it to be about as big as a modest sized house. I did notice air traffic so they had to have seen it.
I did take video of it with my cell phone and snapped a few photos.
Posted 2016-12-30
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