NUFORC UFO Sighting 131856
Occurred: 2016-12-28 18:00 LocalReported: 2016-12-28 09:35 Pacific
Duration: 45 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Rosamond, CA, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Colo
Cone Shaped changing colors & bright white disc bursting orange light
My husband and I love star gazing, own a telescope, and are very familiar with the ufo phenomenon. For a few weeks now we have noticed these amazing lights in the sky. We decided to try and catch them on camera. Unfortunately, we only have a cheap Android phone, so we used it to our best ability before the crafts were gone and the phone lost battery. To get a closer look, we set up our stakeout on our roof. After a cold night and hours later, it appeared again like it had nights before. It began as a circle bright white light moving from south to the north quite faster than anything we had ever seen then it suddenly stopped a few blocks away and hovered over a house for only 2 seconds (as we are scrambling for the camera its light begins to get brighter and turning bright orange and then takes off so quickly back south) we didn't catch footage of this one. But we thought we could stay longer and see if it returns. Well to our surprise another craft flew by maybe an hour later. This one looked much different. It was almost cone shaped (like the orange caution cones) with a bright green light at the top as it was sort of descending down it began to pick up speed again and in the video you can hear me say its not green anymore.
Suddenly, it zoomed off to the east were the sun was still rising changing to a bright yellow light. The oddest part about this is the way it would dissapear an then flash the light ever 2 seconds. But each time it appeared it was in a different position it wasnt flying a straight path. Flash up flash forward flash down. Sorry the video couldn't be better quality.
Posted 2016-12-30
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