NUFORC UFO Sighting 131855

Occurred: 2016-12-27 18:00 Local
Reported: 2016-12-28 10:14 Pacific
Duration: 2 hours
No of observers: 1

Location: Tucson, AZ, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Changed Colo

Bright white orb over Mt Lemmon Tucson AZ

Around 6pm, caught site of large bright white (sometimes yellow-gold) orb at top of Mt. Lemmon. Thought it must be a planet just rising over horizon of mountain, though it seemed too far north for a planet, and the sky was overcast so other stars were hazy but this was super bright and pulsing clearly (like a star on the horizon does). Then saw to right of object, probably several miles to the east along top of mountain, a faint small white light rheostat in slowly, then grow brighter, then rheostat to a deep ruby red, get really bright, then switch off suddenly as if a light switch turned it off. This happened multiple times in sequence of about 1-3 minutes apart. Occasional flashes of similar red light on the opposite side of the large white/yellow orb, like a light ‘echo’, not as ‘solid’ but there just the same. The phenomena was persisting so long, I drove up to Sabino Canyon for a closer look but the sky there was dark and couldn’t get as panoramic a view of the range. Nothing happening there. Around 8pm when I returned to original location of siting (farther from the range where you can get a broader view of entire top of Mt. Lemmon), there it was again, the bright orb, as if it hadn’t moved (and a planet would have moved in 2 hours)! My memory isn’t precise but for the next 5 minutes or so, what a light show! The bright white orb blinked out, then suddenly reappeared. Blinked out then reappeared. Then moved super-fast to the right about ¼ inch (viewed from several miles distant). Then blinked out. Then reappeared. There was almost a dance between this larger light and the smaller red lights. A lot of movement, blinking in and out. It is hard to recall details but all I could think was “this ain’t no planet”. There are radio signal towers on Mt Lemon but they pulse and stay turned on all the time, and they are in a different location from where I saw the red lights. These smaller red lights were shutting off completely, then phasing back in first as white lights, then as ruby red lights.

Then blinking off instantaneously. The last thing I saw was the white orb rheostat to a beautiful golden yellow, 2x or even 3x its original size and then it looked like it split in half and then it simply disappeared, along with the red lights. Poof. Gone. The overriding perception I got was that there was some kind of transdimensional shape shifting happening. I wonder if anybody else saw this in Tucson. It was mind blowing.

Posted 2016-12-30

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