NUFORC UFO Sighting 131845
Occurred: 2016-12-29 07:00 LocalReported: 2016-12-29 06:01 Pacific
Duration: 1-3 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Davie (heading to Hollywood/Ft. Lauderdale), FL, USA
Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams
While driving on 595 from West to East, just passing the turnpike ramp; I saw what I thought was a bright star. Only it didn't "tw
While driving on 595 from West to East, just passing the turnpike ramp; I saw what I thought was a bright star. Only it didn't "twinkle" but it did have that star effect that emitted rays in a "T".
I refocused by sight to make sure if what I was seeing, but to me at the time & I suppose my mind was trying to reason with what I was seeing, I saw the top portion of the object. Seemed like a plane, since it had those red & green lights on the ends, but it then I start noticing that it also had light on top, that changed colors in a pulse of blue, green, red, purple.
At this same time, the bright white light started to dim. I had to get my eyes back on the highway for a bit then I searched for it again but I couldn't find it again. I scanned the area in the sky where I spotted it. I found it once more, only the light wasn't as bright & it didn't have that "T" of light rays. & since the light wasn't as bright, I could start making out the color of the object & more or less the shape. It was a dark white/light gray in what seemed like a mini blimp or maybe it could have been blimp sized but really far.
The final feature before it left was the "opening", as if the object open & closed like Pac-Man & the light was inside Pac-Man's mouth. It did this only twice & it was gone, it was stationary the entire time. I couldn't find it again but I did search for it for about 30 mins
Posted 2016-12-30
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