NUFORC UFO Sighting 131641
Occurred: 2016-12-06 13:15 LocalReported: 2016-12-06 11:55 Pacific
Duration: Very brief
No of observers: 0
Location: Lake Jackson (Brazoria Co.), TX, USA
Shape: Unknown
House Shaking Aerial Down Burst.
On Tuesday December 6, 2016, at 1:15 p.m. central time, people in southern Brazoria County (south of Houston) all heard, and felt, something that was like a giant door closing, something dropping or a big downward aerial push. There were no seismic events reported by the geophysical web sites that track such things. It was not an industrial event. There were reports from the cities of Angleton, TX, Freeport, TX. and Lake Jackson, TX. Included here is a post from the local newspapers' Facebook account.
The Facts 15 mins· We have checked with multiple law enforcement agencies, as well as the plants, to see if they could provide any information on the reported explosions/house-shakings in Brazosport and Angleton. They are as curious about them as the rest of us.
We will report on anything they and we are able to find out.
I spoke to Mr. Davenport about this and he suggested making this report.
We spoke with a news reporter at the local news outlet for Brazoria County, TX,, and she confirmed that her offices had received similar reports. The journalist added that she had contacted local government offices, and had found no one who was able to cite the cause of the sounds. The
Posted 2016-12-15
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