NUFORC UFO Sighting 13143
Occurred: 2000-06-17 16:00 LocalReported: 2000-06-19 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 3-5 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Tualatin, OR, USA
Shape: Disk
Small silver disk shape far off, seen on a clear sunny afternoon for a few seconds, blinked out, did not reappear.
Under a clear sky at around 4pm,I had stopped my westbound car in the left turn lane at Southwest 90th Court and Tualatin-Sherwood Highway, and while waiting for the signal to change, I observed a silvery disc shape in my line of sight behind the traffic signal moving southward at about 20 degrees above the horizon nearly due west of my location. The object was approximately the size of a pencil eraser held at arms length, and moved only 2 to 3 inches, using the same measure, when it appeared to blink out after only a short time and did not reappear while I was looking for it in the minute or so I waited before making my turn under the green light. I am a 51 year old welder with more than six prior sightings, some in the tri-county (local) area, and others in Eastern Oregon dating back several years.
Posted 2000-06-21
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