NUFORC Sighting 130764

Occurred: 2016-10-22 12:46 Local
Reported: 2016-10-22 12:17 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes +
No of observers: 2

Location: Grand Rapids, MI, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Orange ball of light -- possibly triangle shaped -- high in altitude, changes course, two witnesses.

At my residence, I noticed an orang-ish -- what appeared to be triangle shaped, but couldn't tell for certain because of how high it was -- ball of light track at very high altitude, it was above an airliner (looking up the flight history, I believe it was ETD150, 777 from Chicago to Abu Dhabi).

This organg-ish ball was tracking north to south at a moderate clip -- there was no con-trail observed. When I went to grab a witness the anomalous object was overhead, still tracking north to south. Several minutes later, with the witness in hand, we observed that the object was now way off to the east and was tracking to the southwest. It made quite a course correction in a short amount of time!

Eventually the object got too far out of range for us to see. Neither the witness, nor myself have seen anything like it before. It could not have been a satellite because of the course change -- maybe it was a weather balloon.

Posted 2016-10-27

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