NUFORC UFO Sighting 130581
Occurred: 2016-09-24 20:45 LocalReported: 2016-10-12 10:13 Pacific
Duration: 15 seconds
No of observers: 3
Location: Garden City, SC, USA
Shape: Other
Sighting of a 'V' shaped craft approximately 200 feet across, traveling very fast at about 2,000, with no lights and no sound.
September 24, 2016. Garden City Beach, SC, 8:47pm
My wife and 30 year old son and I were on a Murrells Inlet dock watching for satellites, two blocks from the ocean. We had seen eight or nine over about a 30 minute period. We looked almost straight up to see a ‘V’ shaped aircraft zoom over heading south. We estimate the craft to be several hundred feet across, and flying at approximately 2,000 feet. It had no lights, and made absolutely no sound. It was dark gray, but visible against a star lit sky, and possibly reflecting some of the ground lights. My first thought was a ‘B-2 Bomber’ but there was no structure inside of the ‘V’, and no lights, and no sound. I have seen numerous lights, and strange phenomenon in past trips to Garden City, and never assigned any labels to them. But this was an intelligently controlled ‘craft’.
Posted 2016-10-13
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