NUFORC UFO Sighting 130573

Occurred: 2016-10-11 21:07 Local
Reported: 2016-10-11 18:55 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Gates, NC, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Animals reacted

object first hovered in sky with extremly bright red lights - was a very large object - larger than a plane

Went outside to shoo a cat away from my window screen because it was scratching at the window screen, and when I stepped onto my back deck I immediately saw in the horizon a very large, very bright light and it was not moving. It hovered there as I stared at it… (maybe 3-4 minutes maybe a little longer… maximum 5 minutes), and I asked my daughter to come out and look at it with me and my toddler followed behind her. We all watched it, because it was extremely bright (white and red lights)… brighter than any airplanes or stars in the sky. It was in the southwestern direction of the sky approximately, according to my compass. It stayed there for like 3 more minutes (+/-) and then it started to move, at first very very slowly from its position (positioned low on the horizon and then moved upwards then it headed slowly toward the south for a little)… at this point, my daughter decided to try to get a picture of it with my laptop, so I ran inside to get it…! when I came back out with the laptop it began moving quickly (very quickly) across the sky (in a southeastern direction, so it moved diagonally across the sky – first located at western corner of property direction (compass direction), then moved up (rose higher in the sky) and headed south, and then at the same level in the sky southeast)… within approximately 1 minute it had traveled approximately 30 +/- miles (headed from somewhere around: <estimated starting location>: Reynoldson, NC 36.509707, –76.840809) -- Gates, NC to Suffolk, VA -- (stopped keeping track of the time for the speed of it at approximately (Chesapeake, VA 36.695069, –76.459865)!!! No planes that I have witnessed out here have ever traveled that fast at that height off the ground… it was I would think traveling under the radar level… pretty low and I could see some details of it pretty clearly with the naked eye... I got a better look at it as it got closer and moved across the sky and pa! st our house (from the front yard view)… I saw a light at the! top (wh ite), and then 3 lights on each corner (red), kind of looked like a pyramid… the lights were very, very bright… we tried to get a good picture of it, but were unable to get it entirely into the frame with it moving so quickly, and since there was a house (with lights on) in the frame, I decided not to share the picture, b/c I think there will be confusion as to which lights your supposed to look at, plus it did not come out as clear on the picture as it was in person. It was very very fast and there was no sound. The object was much larger than a plane... very big, but I can't think of anything to reference to describe the size of it.

Posted 2016-10-13

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