NUFORC UFO Sighting 130238
Occurred: 2016-09-26 21:20 LocalReported: 2016-09-26 20:53 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Savannah, GA, USA
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
Red spherical light near Bull River.
At approximately 21:20 on Monday, September 26, 2016, my wife and I were traveling from Tybee Island, GA to our home on Whitemarsh Island/Savannah, GA.
As we approached the Bull River Bridge on Highway 80 we could see a bright red ball high in the night sky. My wife noticed it first and attempted to point it out to me. I glanced up and saw it as well.
It took a moment for us to orient ourselves to its height in the sky. Within a second it disappeared completely from our view. I noted that there was another aircraft in the sky…something that looked to either be civilian or military.
As we passed over Bull River Bridge onto Wilmington Island, we noted that the second aircraft that we saw seemed to be roaming the sky and not on any particular trajectory.
It should be noted that the red ball also did not have a downward trajectory. From what I could tell the movements were subtle or stationary as it glowed and then disappeared…therefore it did not seem to be a meteorite.
This was a brief sighting so it would be difficult to speculate on what the object could have been, but the situation was odd to us, nonetheless.
Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD
Posted 2016-09-30
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