NUFORC UFO Sighting 130163
Occurred: 2016-09-23 17:30 LocalReported: 2016-09-24 01:11 Pacific
Duration: 5 hours
No of observers: 20
Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA
Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Changed Colo
Strange Lights over Frenchman Mountain Range in Las Vegas.
As the Helicopters were coming back from the Grand Canyon all in a line heading east to west, I noticed 3 white circular lights over the Frenchman Mountain Range that were sitting still in the sky facing me and lined up North to south. I saw the Ball of Light that was farthest south move south and the other one in the Middle seemed to move to the east. As it got dark the one Ball of light remained and began to shine brightly turning Gold, Red, Green, Orange (No Blue) and then it would dim and go black and disappear only to reappear and start shining brightly again.It appeared to change shapes as well as it sat in the sky. On occasions another Ball of light not as bright would appear to the south of this one stationary light. I watched this from approximately 530pm to 10pm when is disappeared.
I work as an Armed Bike Security Officer and had a great view from the top of the parking Garage where I work and showed many people this who were as amazed as I was.
Posted 2016-09-30
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