NUFORC UFO Sighting 130137
Occurred: 2016-09-10 01:00 LocalReported: 2016-09-22 16:22 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Hilton Head, SC, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object
I went to Savannah airport to pick up my friend for the weekend. On our way home, we were traveling toward Hilton Head Island on route 278, and my friend sitting in the passenger side of the car and myself driving spotted a shooting star going into the direction of our destination
We both commented and I noticed it wasn't quite as high as a regular star would be but we made a wish and dismissed it. We turned about 3 miles from that point on to moss creek area and stopped to get our pass for the plantation where we were staying.
Then we proceeded on about 3 miles down a winding road toward the house. We made a quick left onto our road and about 1/8 mile out of the right side of the road which was over a water hole area from a golf course came a soccer ball size ball of blue-ish white light come toward my car at about eye level. It passed so fast over the hood of my car and kept traveling so quickly toward the left side and flew into a wooded area next to a fairway.
We both questioned each other what we had both just seen and were stunned. It was a fast moving ball of light right before our eyes. We wanted to follow it into the wooded area so we turned the car around but were unfamiliar with the area and it was very dark so we just drove home.
I don't know if the shooting star was connected to this same incident but the coincidence is so likely.
Posted 2016-09-30
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