NUFORC UFO Sighting 129729

Occurred: 2016-08-20 21:15 Local
Reported: 2016-09-05 18:14 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 8

Location: Budapest (Hungary), , Hungary

Shape: Rectangle

Large, rectangular object obscuring portions of full moon over Budapest, Hungary.

On Saturday, August 20, at approximately 21:15, my partner and I were standing on the rooftop deck of our hotel (along with 6-8 other hotel guests) watching the spectacular fireworks that are part of the St. Stephens Day celebration. A full moon was rising in the east at an approximately 45 degree angle from the fireworks. At approximately 21:15, I noticed a solid rectangular object covering the center one-third of the moon. I pointed this out to my partner and asked her to shift her video camera from the fireworks to the moon. She was able to capture the last few minutes of this incident, as whatever this object crossed the lower half of the moon and then disappeared.

This could not not have been caused by the plume of smoke from the fireworks, as the object appeared quite solid and had perfectly straight, clearly defined edges. Nor were there any clouds in the sky that evening.

I am a professional man of 57, and my partner is a 68 year-old retired university professor. We would be happy to share our video with you.

Posted 2016-09-09

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