NUFORC UFO Sighting 12967

Occurred: 2000-05-17 21:54 Local
Reported: 2000-05-26 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 15 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Bay City, OR, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby, Electrical or magnetic effects

Two large oval lights, side by side, like giant headlights in the sky. There was aircraft noise at 10:02pm I saw the lights at 9:45pm

It looked like two oval headlights, side by side, up in the sky. Very large spheres about 35 degrees above the western horizon. I looked up at them from my parked car and in a few moments they both disapeared like lights shutting off. I drove forward, I don't know, I wanted to follow them, the one on the left appeared again like someone turned the light back on. This one lasted just for a couple of seconds then disapeared. It was a very clear night, and was nearly a full moon. As soon as I saw the second light go out I looked at the clock in my car and it read 9:54pm I backed up back to my driveway and ran into the house to tell my husband what I saw. The lights were sphere shaped and almost had a halo of light going through the center of them. They were very bright and very large. They had no noise. At 10:02 we heard what sounded like jet noises. Like airforce jets make. We looked and looked and did not see any jets. I received a phone call from my sister in-law and was telling her what had just happed. The telephone started making noise like she had hit a bunch of numbers or re-dial. I got mad at her because I thought she was making fun of me. I then gave the phone to my husband because I did not want to talk to her if she was going to make fun of me and later she and he both said the same thing happened on the phone with them too. The phone conversation was fairly short. I then spoke to my brother & other sister in-law about it ( on the phone) and shortly thereafter decided to call the local radio station. A man answered and I asked him if anyone had reported any strange lights around the bay that evening. He said no in a funny tone so I said thanks and no more. My husband and I decided to surf the net to see if we could find anything (this was about 15 min after the last conversation with my brother) and the computer was acting funny. Things were not transmitting properly. We were having a hard time getting the mouse cursor to stay where we put it. I kept moving back down o! n it's o wn if we moved it up. We gave up on trying to search anymore on the net. I live less than half a block to the end of the bay. The lights were high up and standing still. I have never seen anything like this in my life and was awe struck. I was so glad to see our local newspaper report four other women and a man saw them too. I was starting to think my family was going to think I was crazy!

Posted 2000-06-06

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