NUFORC UFO Sighting 129627

Occurred: 2016-08-31 19:46 Local
Reported: 2016-09-01 07:33 Pacific
Duration: 15 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Pomona, CA, USA

Shape: Sphere

At 7:20pm i was in my backyard watering my garden in the city of pomona, ca. At 7:35pm i finish watering the garden and just stood around in the backyard looking at the plants and the sky. It was past sunset but the sky was still clear blue and visible.

At 7:46pm, I looked up east of the sky looking towards the neighboring city of Montclair or looking over the Inland Empire. I saw a bright light sphere object. It was between yellow and orange in color.

Still focus on the object it started ascending very slowly. Then it started shrinking, in what look like if it was in steps or in stages of large to small perfect spheres. While it was shrink at the same time it look like it was losing some of its yellow orange glow, and would looked like a silver or grey color. Then after staring at it for about 15 seconds, it just disappear.

Posted 2016-09-02

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