NUFORC UFO Sighting 129611
Occurred: 2016-08-29 23:39 LocalReported: 2016-08-31 11:14 Pacific
Duration: 7 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Herriman, UT, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object
Black triangle with white lights in corners
I was walking from my car to my apartment when I looked up and noticed the abundance of stars that were out last night.
Hoping to see a meteor or shooting star, a black triangle craft of some kind came flying in from behind me in the sky out of the East going West. It was black in color and had three dimmed out white lights on it. One on the nose of the craft and one on each corner of the back. It had rounded edges and a foggy haze around it.
As it got to the mountains in front of me it started to turn North it just disappeared.
The craft made no noise what so ever. It was completely silent.
Posted 2016-09-02
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