NUFORC UFO Sighting 129561
Occurred: 2016-08-06 23:00 LocalReported: 2016-08-28 23:23 Pacific
Duration: 45-60 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Dresden (near), OH, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Animals reacted
Boy scout road UFO sighting.
My friend and I were out catfishing one night and I always look up at the sky and observe all the stars whenever I'm out at night well this night I was doing just that when I thought I saw a shooting star well I ignored it for a few minutes then looked back up facing north east I saw a triangular shaped object hovering in the air about 400ft off the ground about 400 yards away it was very large in size that emitted 3 very bright lights so I immediatley got my friends attention and he looked and we were in complete awe at what we saw we sat and watched it for around 45 minutes and it hovered there and moved around and then all at once took off east faster and more nimble than anything I've ever seen before in my life while doing so it made the weirdest noise a noise I had never heard before while doing so it the lights on it grew brighter and there were more about 6-8 lights as it took off and the dogs that were barking out the road had stopped barking there were no coyotes were howling the woods were dead silent from the time it arrived till about 15 minutes after it left
Posted 2016-08-29
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