NUFORC UFO Sighting 129478
Occurred: 2016-08-24 20:30 LocalReported: 2016-08-24 18:10 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Emporium, PA, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
I just witnessed 2 fighter jets escorting what looked to be a huge dark thing. At first I thought it was an airplane but when I got a better look, I noticed it wasn't. It disappeared over the mountains and about 5 minutes later I heard the jets again. Looked up and there they were again. This time alot closer to it.
It went from east to west, circled around and disappeared to the west finally.
Sorry. This is a sincere report. I got the date wrong. I was excited when filling it out. I have a few friends on YouTube in NE PA that said a bunch of Blackhawks were out looking for something also. Have you heard any reports about anything at all? Plane crash or ufo crash. It was last night when I seen that. I'm sorry about the screw up
We have changed the date above. We are unconvinced that this report was intended as a seriou-minded description of a sighting. PD
Posted 2016-08-25
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