NUFORC UFO Sighting 129422
Occurred: 2016-08-21 01:01 LocalReported: 2016-08-21 17:23 Pacific
Duration: 1 second
No of observers: 1
Location: Little Rock, AR, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object
Large white spiraling light traveling at incredible speed
I was driving west on Lindsey Rd. at 1:01 A.M. after getting off of work. In the curve of the road, right around the FedEx facility, I saw something out my driver's side window, at about 45 degrees south/southwest. It was a fairly large, super-intense white light, circular in shape, moving at an incredible speed, coming from the northwest and moving southeast. When people count by saying "1 Mississippi", this would have been more like "1 M" in duration. The best way I can describe the object is, it looked like a rotating, flat spiral of white light. In the dimmer arms of the spiral I may have detected a very faint yellow. Picture the rotating spiral of Hitchcock's 'Vertigo'.
The location I saw this object in is immediately south of Little Rock Airport (Clinton Airport). I checked the flight schedules when I got home, and while departures were not listed, the last arrival was at least a couple of hours before my sighting. This is not an airport that has much late night airplane activity. I also looked up types of commercial aircraft lights when I got home, but didn't see anything similar to what I had seen. I do know that Little Rock Air Force Base does practice maneuvers using Little Rock Airport runways and airspace, but they are a C-130 base. The object I saw was at least as fast as a jet fighter, if not faster. Obviously LRAFB could have jets from other places on occasion, but I don't know. If this object came from the airport, it seems it would have been departing based on its direction of travel.
I don't rule out any possibility. I just would really like to know what I saw. I have never in my life experienced or seen anything like that. I have traveled this road for the past eight years.
An investigator may contact me at my subitted email address.
Posted 2016-08-25
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