NUFORC UFO Sighting 129414
Occurred: 2003-08-10 11:00 LocalReported: 2016-08-21 09:53 Pacific
Duration: 20 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Hyannis, MA, USA
Shape: Triangle
Silver, triangular/ova,l huge object, moving from N to S, over Route 6 in Hyannis, MA, right over the highway, low and at a slow pace.
On August 10, 2003, a Sunday, my husband and I were traveling back from Cape Cod, Mass. to our home in New York. As usual, we were stuck in traffic on Route 6, and it was bumper-to-bumper, but this was more traffic than usual and we were stuck from the bridge back to the Hyannis area, which is some 5-6 miles away from the bridge that takes you off Cape Cod.
As we were sitting in traffic, all of a sudden, from the north and moving south, my husband and I saw a huge, somewhat triangular/almost oval, silver object moving at a slow pace over the highway. Everyone who was stuck in traffic at that location and on that date would have seen it too. There were no wings, no jets, no propellers, and no obvious means of propulsion. It was moving at a steady pace, and my husband and I both saw it. We have been talking about this for years but I did not know there was a place to report it. This morning I checked my journals to find the exact date and found it in one of my journals, with a date of August 10, 2003, a Sunday, which is consistent with the day we travel back home -- a Sunday.
My husband and I are both educated and I'm an attorney. I'm also a writer, and consider myself to be an accurate reporter. This is what I wrote in my journal, in addition to what I wrote here. I said: "Oh my God, look at that." My husband saw it, too, and we were both incredulous. We both said that no one would believe us. We made sure that each of us had seen it, and we confirmed that each of us had indeed seen it. There were no windows to be seen and no occupants to be seen. It was a huge, silver object moving at a slow pace over the highway and not more than several hundred feet above us and slightly in front of us -- not directly overhead. My husband first thought it might be some kind of weather balloon but he realized that that was impossible because it looked nothing like a balloon.
We have talked about this for years, but have not known where to report this. When I found this site last night, I wanted to lo! ok for my journals to find the exact date that we saw this. I found my journal and my entry for this date, and, indeed, I had written about this incident in my journal, describing the moving object, where it was, what it looked like, and how my husband and I were hoping we hadn't seen what we had just seen.
The event took approximately 20 seconds. I wish I had had my camera out, but I didn't, and wasn't able to get it in time. This was in the morning, it was a sunny day, the sky was clear, and it was visible in clear daylight around 11:00 a.m.. There was no way to mistake what we saw because the sky was clear, it was daylight, and it was a bright, sunny day.
Posted 2016-08-25
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