NUFORC UFO Sighting 129390
Occurred: 2001-09-13 21:15 LocalReported: 2016-08-20 18:01 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 mintues
No of observers: 1
Location: Chicago, IL, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object
I love watching the sky. It's noisy with planes, and all, but I just like looking up at the sky and stars at night.
So when 911 happen (the towers) the sky was very quiet for a few days (no-fly order), so on 9/13/2001, around maybe 9pm, I took my dog out in my back yard, as I do every nigh. This night was different.
So I looked up, it was a full moon, or really close to full...anyway, there it was...a red balloon-shaped object, right in the moon's path. It just glided and its motion was smooth. It was an awesome sight. My understanding is Chicago police and Evanston police saw it, too.
Posted 2016-08-25
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