NUFORC UFO Sighting 12938

Occurred: 1991-03-01 04:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2000-05-22 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Minneapolis, MN, USA

Shape: Egg
Characteristics: Landed

5-6 silver, egg-shaped craft desending one by one at early sunrise on Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis.

I was looking across Lake Calhoun from a window on the top floor of the Calhoun Beach Club. It was still pretty dark since the sun was just starting to rise. I saw something reflecting the sunlight to the southwest, and at first I thought it was an airplane since it was in the sky and the sun hadn't risen high enough to touch the tops of buildings or treetops. The window in which I looked from was open and it was very quiet out side, and I didn't hear a sound coming from it. As I looked I realised it could'nt be a plane because it was too small; or a hellicopter because it made no noise. It was like a big silver egg the size of a small house, and it was wobbling back and forth and up and down slowly above some houses about one quarter of the way around the lake to the left of my view. it then calmed down and slowly started to desend. It seemed to drop in front of the houses but behind the trees before going out of sight. Then, there were more flying to the same area above the trees. First one, then another, then two at once. All were moveing in the same odd way, then slowly dropping down behind the trees and out of sight one at a time. I tried to wake up my friend who was in the bedroom and I brought him out to look, but he was mad that I woke him up and wouldn't listen. He just went back to bed. I didn't want to miss this experience though, so I went back to the window to see. In all, I probably saw 5-6 craft that night. I don't tell many people about what happend, since I recieved alot of flack about it in the past, although I wish I had written down the date and time. That was the last thing on my mind. If there is anyone else in that area of Minneapolis who has seen these craft, plese contact me. I am a sky-watcher now.

Posted 2000-06-06

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