NUFORC UFO Sighting 129348

Occurred: 2016-08-14 17:00 Local
Reported: 2016-08-18 09:18 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Nantucket, MA, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby

Flickering round ball, following flight path of jets.

Was lying on my back on a bench at the Oldest House, looking at the clear, blue sky through polarized sun glasses, seeing 4-5 jets/planes passing high overhead on a roughly southwest-to-northeast flight path. They were well lit by the late afternoon sun, and appeared white against the blue sky.

After the planes had passed, I noticed a round object, about 1/4 the apparent size of the planes, with variable brightness and with color flickering from bright orange, to white, traveling at what appeared to be a similar height, speed and trajectory.

I thought it might be a rotating, non-uniform metallic balloon intermittently reflecting the sunlight, but the velocity appeared to be similar to the jets and it seemed to be traveling horizontally, not vertically.

Ground wind speed at that time was roughly 17 mph from the SW.

Gradually the distance became too great and it faded into the northeast horizon, as the jets had, after about 3 min.

Posted 2016-08-19

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