NUFORC UFO Sighting 129017

Occurred: 2016-08-01 21:46 Local
Reported: 2016-08-04 01:29 Pacific
Duration: 6 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Milwaukie, OR, USA

Shape: Light

We were walking past an athletic field when we looked over and noticed 3 lights in the sky that we had never seen before.

Two of us witnessed three bright, yellow lights perfectly aligned diagonally of each other leftward (east).

After approximately 2 minutes of observing these lights, the upper and eastern-most light started moving away from the others at a very quick pace and changed color to blue. It visibly would stop and go, hovering and then darting quickly until it reached a tree line and we lost sight.

As soon as the first light reached tree cover, the second light broke formation and followed the same path as the first eastward, also changing to blue and dimming.

At this point we tried to follow the two traveling lights, as they were speeding towards the area of our home.

The third light remained, extremely bright and yellow.

As we approached the field behind our home, neither of the two lights could be seen.

The last two nights we have not seen either of these three above the athletic field again.

There were no sounds, and no airports exist in the direction of these lights.

Posted 2016-08-04

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