NUFORC UFO Sighting 12870

Occurred: 2000-05-14 16:00 Local
Reported: 2000-05-15 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Enschede, Overijssel (Netherlands), , Netherlands

Shape: Diamond
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail, Landed

An UFO landed inside a fireworks factory, and he took off. 3 minutes later a huge fire caused the factory to explode, destroying a neighbourhood.

This accident has caused a lot of questions in holland, everybody likes to know what caused such a terrible accident, I believe thatb the phenomenon I saw caused a chainreaction, following the destruction of the factory. I didn't tell anyone , i was affraid they would think I was fantisysing.


As I was browsing your archives with UFO reports, I found a report wich said that a diamond shaped UFO landed in a Fireworks factory in the Netherlands and the factory exploded.

There are a few reasons that make me believe the report is a prank. First of all, the neighborhoud in wich the factory was located in a dense urban area. If a UFO or any other flying craft would have landed in this area, someone else should have noticed too. Secondly, there was a full-scale investigation to determine what the cause of the accident and the results concluded that the containers containing the pyrotechnics, weren't safe and the person who lit the fire has confessed to the fact that he had lit the fire. I am a resident of the town of Krommenie, wich is locared about an hour driving from Enschede. I read the full accident report, and I visited the site.

I think its a shame that an organisation such as NUFORC is fooled by a prank report and this could have been prevented if your screeners just did a little more background checking of the accident.

Regards, ((name deleted))



Witness elects to remain totally anonymous. PD

Posted 2000-06-06

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