NUFORC UFO Sighting 128619
Occurred: 2016-07-17 16:00 LocalReported: 2016-07-21 11:38 Pacific
Duration: Unknown
Location: Quartzsite, AZ, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Left a trail, Emitted beams, Changed Color, Electrical or magnetic effects
I did not witness anything while I was shooting my photos,I took them blindly of the bright sky. My friend was driving me home from Arizona to Palms Springs where I would meet a friend to take me home.
As we drove, I was talking about how beautiful and bright the sun was. My "Samsung Galaxy 6" cell phone has always taken amazing pictures of the sky, ie: Moon, Sunrise, Sundown, etc. I remember looking at the sky admiring the beautful sky and fluffy white and VERY BRIGHT white clouds. I told my friend that I was going to take some pictures of the sky but could not look at it directly if I took them because the sun was extremely bright. I turned towards her as she drove and shot about 10 blind photos never looking as I clicked my phone. It was not until later that evening here at my parents in Sun City, California, that I reflected back on some of the pictures I had taken during my stay in Arizona. As I was looking at the pictures of the sky and noticed a little glowing ball. I zoomed in and noticed some beams coming down. In another photo the clouds moved and I could see more clear that it had a green and blue color around it that changed its shape from a circle to a more oval! or saucer shape. I am not sure what it is but to me it almost looks like I caught on my phone another world, universe or even another dimension. I am not sending theses in for any recognition, I am honestly just curious as to what it could be... even if it's a unique picture of the moon.
During the time that elapsed I was not able to send any text messages for about an hour. My cell phone did not work to send some other pictures I had taken to a friend.
I would like to add the images attached are my original pictures. They have not been photo chopped or filtered for a more vivid appearance. I did zoom in on two pictures for a clearer consensus for myself personally.
Thank you for your time.
Most of the photos indicate small, round, green "spheres." They are lens flares, caused by pointing a camera at the Sun. PD
Posted 2016-07-22
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