NUFORC UFO Sighting 128592

Occurred: 2016-07-18 23:50 Local
Reported: 2016-07-19 09:41 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 5

Location: Texas City, TX, USA

Shape: Other

Saw a gold Y shaped stationary light in the Western sky around midnight.

Saw a Y shaped light in the Western sky about 35 degrees up. It was gold in color and was stationery. It was 1/8 the size of the moon. It was above the clouds because it was hidden by clouds occasionally.

Called a neighbor a mile away and they saw it too.

I was not drinking or smoking anything.


We spoke via telephone with the witness, and he sounded to us to be quite sober-minded. We suspect that he is a skilled witness, and reliable. PD

Posted 2016-07-22

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