NUFORC UFO Sighting 128587
Occurred: 2016-07-19 00:10 LocalReported: 2016-07-19 00:46 Pacific
Duration: 45 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Phoenix, AZ, USA
Shape: Cylinder
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams, Changed Colo
Strange red lights in Phoenix Sky, just now.
I woke up, out of the blue at 12:10am. I could not sleep, so I heated up some leftovers and sat on couch with lights off, in order to not wake my fiancé and baby.
As I was eating, I noticed a group of red lights flying west to east that caught my attention. The lights stopped and hovered for about 10 seconds, flashed different colored lights, and then started heading west again.
15 seconds later, it was back, but this time flying like a hummingbird, stop go, stop go, stop go.
I have never in my life seen anything fly like this. It was definitely NOT man made. This UFO seemed to be scanning or taking pictures of something near my backyard.
After it flashed red lights a few times, it just zoomed away heading west, till I could not see it anymore.
This thing made NO SOUND WHATSOEVER! Did anyone one else see it/them? I'm glad to know we are definitely not alone here.
Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides little contact information. PD
Posted 2016-07-22
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