NUFORC UFO Sighting 128582

Occurred: 2016-07-10 11:00 Local
Reported: 2016-07-18 21:44 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute

Location: Edmonton (Canada), AB, Canada

Shape: Egg

Watched 5 luminous balls, in triangle formation.

I have bubble windows over my bath, and had my head up to rinse hair.

Sighted on July 10, 2016, approx. 11:00 am.

In the north sky, approx 45 degrees, from East to West, a triangle formation, with 5 luminous, shiny, white (but not paper white), slightly lightly squished balls.

No blinking lights. One moved slightly off to the side, and stayed with the group.

They glided slowly, noticed extensions with black tips on the sides.

Sharp and clear, did not seem as high as a local small plane.

I'm a birder. They were not flapping, no neck or feet to assume they were snow geese, cranes. Researched photos.

Watched for about a minute,till out of range of my window.

Did not scare me, just fascinated, but afraid to say anything to anyone, feel I have to tell someone.

Hope someone else has seen this.

Posted 2016-07-22

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