NUFORC UFO Sighting 128570

Occurred: 2016-07-16 22:30 Local
Reported: 2016-07-18 15:47 Pacific
Duration: >10 minutes
No of observers: 0

Location: New York City, NY, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object

Seen from my balcony, two bright red spheres (no blinking lights) followed an erratic flight path, or remained stationary, started again their pattern of sudden changing of direction.


Hello again, Mr. Davenport!
The precise date was last Saturday, July 16 2016.

I cannot be too precise about the time ... it was between 10:00PM and 11PM. For certain it was not after 11PM (I was on the balcony with my father during the sighting, then he left to watch the 11 local news). That Saturday, I helped my sister packing (she's moving to her new house), and I was very tired. I didn't come home from my sister before 9-9:30PM so the time I went out on the balcony must have been between 10:30PM and 11PM.

I forgot to mention that the spheres were quite big (my father was able to see them, his vision isn't too good). Bigger than, let's say, the lights attached to the wings of an airplane. Their size, color and movement had caught my eye.

Since that evening I searched the net to see if other people have had similar sightings (red spheres). I found a couple of video clips, with different dates and locations, only in them the spheres were blinking. I didn't know about this kind of spheres before I am familiar with the UFO phenomenon, actually, I had had another sighting many years ago, not in the States.

Mr. Davenport, if you want the exact location/position of the sighting, I can give you my home address. With Google Earth you can access my street, which has at one end the highway wall (the sighting was above the wall, the spheres appeared from behind the wall, then disappeared only to reappear again, a couple of times).

I hope this helps.
((name deleted))


Posted 2016-07-22

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