NUFORC UFO Sighting 128531
Occurred: 2016-07-10 14:01 LocalReported: 2016-07-16 11:28 Pacific
Duration: >30 minutes
No of observers: 5
Location: Bay Head, NJ, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object
Silver flicking light hovering over ocean.
My family and I were taking a vacation to Bay Head and were on the beach most of the morning. At approx. 1:30 PM we notice something reflecting and flickering up in the sky over the Atlantic (At least a few miles off). We watched it for almost a 1/2 hour, I took a picture of it with my cell phone, poor quality, but it moved slowly, then stopped and hovered, as if it was observing the beach or something in the ocean beneath it. It was silver/white, no sound. I wondered at first if it wasn't a satellite, space station or debris, but it didn't move. (I've watched the space station go overhead at night and it moves pretty fast, this was stationary) The moon was also visible that afternoon and it was to my left of the moon. I thought maybe a star or a planet, but then at that hour of that it would have to be something pretty damn big/bright. It was too high and flicking too fast to be Mylar Balloons. What struck me most was that I had watched a TV show about the origin of Crop Circles in England the day before. (How they think a majority of them are hoaxed with boards and ropes, but how some of them seem have damage to the "nodes" in the crops themselves, which shows excessive heat/radiation exposure etc.) Anyway, there was a video man and his girlfriend took, while sitting on a hill of the valley below, a crop circle, and a farmer working his field (Approx. 1 mile below). A light flickered through the video, to the crop circle, made a 90 Deg. turn and went over the farmer, who didn't notice it, then the light disappeared. The flickering light we all witnessed on the beach that day, looked A LOT like that silver flickering light the man in England had video taped. Coincidence, I honestly don't know but, I quietly made the connection in my mind the minute I saw it. Shortly after we saw it, we left the beach to head home for the rest of the day. There was a pod of dolphin (They call it the 2 PM Dolphin Show, in Bay Head) and we stopped to watch. I looked up in the direction of the light again, and it was gone. We went to Point Pleasant the second day and I didn't see it. If you zoom in on the photo, the shape is distorted, so it's hard to tell what it is really. I wish I'd taken video of it...sorry.
Posted 2016-07-22
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