NUFORC UFO Sighting 128521
Occurred: 2016-07-15 20:10 LocalReported: 2016-07-15 21:31 Pacific
Duration: 4-6 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Edmonton, AB, Canada
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted other objects
Triangle of pulsating lights (plus 2 below). Lights appeared towards the tail end of the storm clouds
Was looking north east at fast approaching storm clouds. Noticed a bright light, thinking it was a plane.
It was to early in the evening for stars. Continued watching mostly for the storm clouds.then noticed another Light. Then 3 more.
They were pulsating lights whith a auora around them. Similar to a light from a flashlight. Three which were in a triangle form. Which from a distance would have had to have been 1/4- 1/2 mile apart. The other lights seemed to come out of the lower lights in the triangle. And sat below the triangle. Approximately the same distance apart as the 3 in the triangle.
The lights would appear and disappear separately due to the clouds.
When they moved it was in unison. Either up or down ,side to side etc.
The lower lights would move similarly. They also could have been in triangular form. Though may not have seen a third light due to the clouds.
I have not seen planes or helicopters move in this manner, which is why I felt I should report the incident.
Posted 2016-07-22
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