NUFORC UFO Sighting 128461
Occurred: 2016-07-09 04:00 LocalReported: 2016-07-12 09:57 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes
Location: Aurora, CO, USA
Shape: Changing
I live in Aurora Co.
The morning of 7/9/16 at 4:35 am - I took my pups out in my backyard, the sky was clear and dark.
Looking up I seen a bright object coming from the S/W towards the N/E.
The flying object was high enough to be out of the shadow of the earth so the sun made it very easy to see. I pulled out my phone camera and took a series of 9 pics over a period of a minute and half.
The ship took less than 2 minutes to move from horizon to horizon. While passing over head what appeared to be a star moved and the first object and the second joint together as one and the one continued towards the N/W and the sun rise out of my site.
Standing in my yard about 2 minutes later thinking about what just happened, I was still looking up when a second much smaller craft coming from the same direction appeared to chase the first much larger ship, cover the same distance in about 15 seconds.
I took my dogs in the house and got ready for work. I have a pic of the both ships joining. The whole thing took lees the 4 minutes.
To me the second ship seemed to be ours, just a thought.
Posted 2016-07-15
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