NUFORC UFO Sighting 128447
Occurred: 2016-07-04 21:30 LocalReported: 2016-07-11 22:14 Pacific
Duration: ~30 minutes
No of observers: 7
Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA
Shape: Sphere
Saw small glowing red spheres on the 4th of July in Indianapolis. (Definitley not lanterns or flares.)
Responding to a YouTube video,
I posted the following comment: July 4th 2016 - We saw them in Indianapolis, Indiana. I believe they are military drones that detect radiation emitted from possible nuclear devices or dirty bombs all around the country.
Apparently people see them in every major population center around the USA. I say, "Good job military, I appreciate the protection. Thanks for keeping us safe!" They seemed to be on patrol. We would see them in one area of the sky, then they would move off and disappear and reappear somewhere else. Very impressive. I can't rule out the possibility that they could be UFOs, but with the threat of terrorism on a holiday like the 4th of July, it's just my sense that they were "ours". Obviously must be a secret military program.
In the check boxes below, nothing applied. The object(s) themselves glowed orangish red. They seemed to be basketball or beach ball sized.
We doubt that the lights were drones. PD
Posted 2016-07-15
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