NUFORC UFO Sighting 128438
Occurred: 1984-12-15 00:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2016-07-10 22:49 Pacific
Duration: 4-5 hours
No of observers: 1
Location: Las Vegas in desert, NV, USA
Shape: Other
In December of 1984, I was day hiking in the Las Vegas desert. Looking on the ground, I saw what appeared to be a piece of cellophane-like, metallic, plastic-ish, if you will, but it had a shine to it,
of course I picked this object up and as I started playing with this object I crumpled it in my hand, and it straighten itself back out, it was also cool to the touch, I can always remember how cool it was. I kept this piece of material and I kept playing with it in my hand because I was fascinated at the fact that it kept going back into its original shape which was more or less flat with a small curve to it and I had continually played with this for 3 to 5 hours and I kept on playing with this shiny somewhat metallic plastic and watching it I was fascinated This is where the story gets even stranger.
As I hiked back in to Vegas an unmarked Cruiser stop me and asked me what I was doing that time of night and I replied I was just walking home they then asked if I wanted a ride of course after hiking all day I said I would love a ride thank you very much not realizing what was about to happen this is when it takes an extreme left the next thing I know I'm being driven to the Clark County Jail I've committed no crime I've done nothing I'm arguing asking why I'm going there... they told me that I broke into a car, I did not break into a car! I am not a criminal! I would never break into anyone's car! as I was being processed, they then told me that I assaulted a female officer. When there was a male officer in the car, not a female officer. When I was brought to the Clark County Jail, I was driven there, I did not have cuffs on..
I was brought into processing and told that I had assaulted a female officer and broke into a car!! It gets better! I don't do drugs! They said that they found syringes in my jacket!! well you know I've never done anything of that form!! EVER!! I knew that this was about the material I found. Now here I am from the state of Maine, visiting a friend in Vegas who went on a day hike, found this material and ended up in jail well there's still even more to the story they knew my name... they had me listed as John Doe for 3 weeks. My friends in Vegas were looking for me! My family in the state of Maine going nuts trying to find me! No one knew where I was! My father was about to get on a plane and come looking for me physically because I had literally just disappeared. Well then one night while I was sitting on my bunk in the jailhouse as John Doe, I got tackled by guards I was forced to the ground and they pumped me full of Thorazine everyday I gotta ask what I had found i! n the desert! And I told him I had found nothing! After being listed as John Doe for I believe was 5 weeks pumped full of these drugs told that I broke into a car told me that I asaulted an officer...a female! Which I never did! My court day date came, they told me they had a deal for me. To this day I still don't understand, they told me to plead guilty to the charges, they would buy me a plane ticket send me back to Maine, and I was never to go back to Las Vegas I was basically told never to go back. Well, I took the deal I pled guilty they brought me the plane ticket and I flew back home to Maine on Clark County's Dime... whoevers dime but I was flown back to Maine on someone's expense not of mine nor my family nor my friends I've only told this story to about three people because I believe whatever I found that day was something I was not meant to find it wasn't supposed to find but this story is 100% true so help me God it was definitely a life-changing experience all from finding this little piece of material in the middle of the Nevada desert on a day hike it turned my life upside down.
The source of the report called the NUFORC UFO Hotline three times in rapid sequence. He sounded to us to be sincere, but we have no idea what may have happened to him, and we are unable to certify that the story is accurate. PD
Posted 2016-07-15
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