NUFORC UFO Sighting 128386

Occurred: 2016-07-08 20:33 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2016-07-09 09:26 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Peterborough (UK/England), , United Kingdom

Shape: Diamond
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Electrical or magnetic effects

Diamond craft seen over Cambridgeshire in three separate occasions

I've taken various photos in the sky's over my house & on numerous occasions the craft keeps appearing in my photos & when I blow up the image it's always the same craft.

The first time I noticed it was when I took a photo of a usaf f15 fighter jet flying over on the 30th June 2016 but didn't see anything in the sky until I took a look at my photo then saw two (2) craft of the same shape.

Then on another occasion on the 3rd of July a biplane flew over so I took another photo and again nothing could be seen with the naked eye until I took a look at the photos then saw the same two craft again.

And the last sighting was on the 7th July 2016 when I was flying my drone at an altitude of 140m so decided to take a photo which when I did I noticed a white/green circle in my photo & this craft was also in the picture but strangely could not be seen by the human eye.

Whilst my drone was hovering at 140m above ground level I placed my controller down to take the photo so with nobody touching the controls my drone started flying forwards & backwards & in circle motion by itself very strange.

If you would like to see my photos please contact me then I will be happy to forward them to you.


Witness indicates that the date is approximate. PD

Posted 2016-07-15

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