NUFORC Sighting 128157

Occurred: 2016-06-29 19:30 Local
Reported: 2016-06-30 19:29 Pacific
Duration: 7 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Dudley, MA, USA

Shape: Cylinder

High altitude motionless white cylinder in daytime.

Object first appeared as a bright dot in a clear blue sky. Viewed through binoculars, the object could best be described as a motionless, vertical Saturn V rocket minus the capsule, tilted, with the top a bit to the left and the bottom a bit to the right. It was approx. the same shade of white as you would have seen on those old Saturn V's as well. Object maintained size, shape, color, position and attitude for approx. 5 minutes, then drifted East/Northeast, disappearing behind some fairly tall trees 100 feet from my position. Altitude was significant based on the focus of binoculars to view it, but I won't venture a guess, not knowing its actual size. My sighting occurred less than a mile away from a similar sighting in Webster, MA, on the 22nd of June (listed on the NUFORC site). First thoughts were that I was viewing a balloon, but now not so sure.

Posted 2016-07-08

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