NUFORC UFO Sighting 12808

Occurred: 2000-05-06 21:30 Local
Reported: 2000-05-07 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Bloomingburgh, NY, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail, Changed Color, Electrical or magnetic effects

I went to my friends house last night, I got there around 9:30-9:45.They told me to look at this white streak in the sky I seen it. Then they proceeded to tell me that two of the people there where wondering if you would see the same stars from anywhere. As they where talking about it they where looking up and before they could even say something to each other about what they saw it was gone.It was alot of different colors and the size of a bus. The white strek in the sky stayed visible for at least 2 hrs., over that time it slowly moved down in the sky. Then later in the night we where still out side by the fire and we were wondering what time it was. Two people there with watches and both of them were not moving, DEAD!!!

I have know both witnesses for at least 15 years. They are my good friends' husband and her father. They are just your "normal" everyday hard working people supporting families. I am repoting this because they do not have a computer.We took pictures of the streak, but don't know if they came out yet.

Posted 2000-05-11

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