NUFORC Sighting 127910

Occurred: 2016-06-17 00:02 Local
Reported: 2016-06-16 21:34 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Muskegon, MI, USA

Shape: Light

Very bright light in motion over western Michigan.

At approximately 00:02 on June 17th, 2016, a co-worker and I were standing outside of the building and looked to the south, toward the moon, and immediately saw a very bright light, moving to the north at a very fast pace.

Our first thought was that it was the space station, but it appeared to be on a trajectory moving away from Earth, and it dimmed and reduced in size very quickly. The approximate viewing time was 30 seconds or less, and the object appeared to shrink into the distance as it moved to the north.

We went back inside and looked up the viewing schedule for the ISS and discovered that it was neither the ISS, nor was it a scheduled viewing time of the CYGNUS satellite.

Posted 2016-06-24

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