NUFORC Sighting 127904

Occurred: 2016-04-01 18:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2016-06-16 20:04 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Lancaster, NY, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

Have seen multiple UFOs over the course of the past 6 months, orbs of light, one included 2 military planes that seemed to be following.

I heard your interview on the "Podcast UFO" show and you mentioned your belief that only 1 in 20,000 people who do see a UFO will report it - and I realized I was one of the 19,999 who has seen them on multiple occasions but never reported it to anyone (because I figure anyone who looks into the subject will find out that they're real, and anyone who won't look into it will not be benefited by my report anyway!). I appreciate your work, so I thought I should be the "1 in 20,000" who reports what they saw instead.

I'm an amateur astronomer, and one night I was outside on my back porch trying to determine whether or not I should bring my telescope out that night, looking casually at the sky and weather conditions. It was mostly clear, with a few clouds far to my east.

Suddenly, I noticed a brightly lit glowing object out of the corner of my eye above me. I thought to myself something along the lines of "what planet is this? How have I not seen this planet before?" - thinking I had just been "missing" this planet or star because it was hidden behind a tree from the perspective of my porch.

Then it started moving, and then it started making a turn over my general area and I knew at once this was no normal astronomical object. This object was at least 3x brighter and larger than Jupiter and what it looked like was a pearl-shaped ball of light, or at first it just appeared like a very bright orb of light. It was moving very fast (compared to conventional things like "drones", passenger jets, or Chinese lanterns) - but not as fast as a shooting star. It made a strangely sharp turn in the sky and then moved silently over my area eastward, out toward rural land near Alden, NY. -- interesting to note that when I checked your website or MUFON's I found it has reports of flying discs/UFOs from that same town).

At first it was simply a large point of light, brighter than the planet Jupiter and all the stars (which weren't out yet that night) - its brightness/light quality/size did not change at all regardless of what perspective I was looking at it from ("head on", in front of it, behind it after it passed over me, from far away, etc) and there were no blinking lights. I see airplanes every night I observe the sky, I'm perfectly familiar with what they look like and I would be able to discern them even at night. This was no airplane, it didn't blink at all. I thought to myself I should really get my cell phone and take video of it, but I didn't want to leave. Eventually I made the decision that I couldn't miss the opportunity and I put my faith in the fact it would still be there when I got back, ran inside and grabbed my cell phone and some binoculars I had nearby, and came back out.

It was still traveling on it's course through the sky and I tried to take video of it with my cell phone - the video turned out all black on the screen (even though it was not late enough to be an all "black" sky, it was more dusk) and I couldn't get my phone to find or zoom in on the object properly, so I gave up that idea and put my binoculars to my eye, this is when I saw the strangest thing. Inside the orb of light I had been watching was a craft (or something - some type of structured object) - I can't find the right words to describe it's shape but it wasn't normal, and it was a gold colored burnished metal to my eyes.

The object continued moving away from me entered some clouds and I was still able to see the light through the cloud -- then it passed out of the cloud and through some open sky, then into another, thicker cloud bank where I completely lost sight of it.I stood around outside thinking about how strange it was and hoping to see it again, wondering if more would be coming or if that was just a one-off strange experience. A few minutes later (maybe 10, not certain) 2 military jets came flying through my area lower than normal commercial planes, these 2 looked like small gray fighter jets and they were traveling quickly as a pair -- they were heading to exactly the direction and area I had last seen my UFO at. I wonder if they were sent up to intercept or look at the object after it was caught on radar somewhere. Strangely, these jets too were silent from where I stood looking at them, even though normally jets going overhead make a ton of noise from a mile away.

Now over the past few months I've seen this type of thing 4 times. The one I typed up above was the most interesting because it included military jets pursuing the UFO, but I've seen similarly strange things like this in the sky. One time I was out for a walk with a family member and they pointed out a particular bright object in the night sky and asked me which planet it was, "is that Jupiter?", etc. I noticed it immediately and thought to myself "huh, what is Jupiter doing over there in the wrong place?" -- then it started moving! It moved through the sky steadily, then for some reason it "disappeared into" another star in the night sky - as if it had decided to jump into "hyperspace" at that point or turn off it's light.

In the weeks following I saw the same thing again with the same family member, only this time it just traveled through the sky at high altitude. Again the strange thing was the quality of light, no blinking FAA beacons, no change in brightness based on perspective, and it seemed higher than normal airplane altitudes. It just traveled over my area and I was able to watch it until it disappeared from my vision because of distance. These were all sort of "spheres" of light.

My last recent experience took place while I was walking from my car into the local Rite Aid - I happened to look up at the sky (as is my habit as an amateur astronomer) and noticed an unlit, perfectly spherical "orb" - or just a sphere hanging there in the sky between a few clouds. It was fairly high up but I saw it clearly, I stood there looking up at it for a few minutes and it didn't move at all. It was like a greyish white color. Eventually some other customers pulled up to the store so I went in because I didn't want to look like a crazy person standing in front of Rite Aid staring up at the sky. When I came back out the sphere that had been between the moderate cloud cover was nowhere to be found - but it's earlier position was still clear of clouds.


Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD

Posted 2016-06-24

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