NUFORC UFO Sighting 12786
Occurred: 2000-05-03 22:00 LocalReported: 2000-05-04 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 45 min
No of observers: 3
Location: Surprise, AZ, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo
On the Night of May 3, 2000, Myself and 2 witnesses observed a light in the northwest sky that appeared to pendullum to the east and west at a very fast pace. It would change colors from white to green to blue and red as it moved in the sky. We observed this object using reference stars and other stationary objects to verify that it was actually moving until it finally moved out of our veiw leaving the reference star in the same place.
This is the first sighting of an unidentified flying object. The object was brought to my attention by my mother , who first spotted it. It was 22:00 on the night of May 3, 2000 and the skies were clear. I began to watch the object move at a fast pace from east to west and then return to its original spot. We used many different reference stars along with stationary objects in our possesion. The colors changed at random. The object stayed at the same altitude until about 22:45. We then noticed it moving out of our sight. I called the local Air Force Base and they stated that they were not flying and that they would send someone out to look at it. I also called a local news station to see if anyone else had reported anything similar. I am a professional in the medical field and a mother of 4. I have never seen anything like this before. I am fasinated with the star and spend a lot of time looking at them and this was not a normal star. If this is a star it will be the first moving star that can change colors.
Posted 2000-05-11
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